
We make the high quality products

We can perform customized sizes, materials, shapes, designs, required private labels/brands as per client requirements.


Our Premium Quality Products

Himalayan Hand-Carved Salt Lamps

benefits of

Himalayan Rock Salt

Uplift the mood

Pink salt Boosts Metabolism, Energy, and Mood, maintains Blood Pressure & Sugar levels, and reduces common signs of aging.

Calm stress

With its bright colors glow and amazing look, reduces anxiety and tiredness one can turn into a happy mood.

Salt Halotherapy

US Salt Therapy Association is one of the pioneers in introducing Salt Halotherapy with Salt Chambers & Salt caves to overcome all Risks of Sinus & Lungs problems.

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Art Decor

Decor items at your home, freshen the Room air, boost your Mood and romance, make you Calm and relax, and Energize you.

Air Purifier

Attract moisture which brings with it all the Pollutants present in the air. The heat of the lamp emits negative ions that neutralize the pollutants and toxins in the air.

Improved Immune System

Include Potassium, Iron, and Calcium, creates Pure tastes with healthy benefits, and improves the immune system. Quick Fix for Dark Spots, & hydrating your skin.


Salt Grinders

Salt smart packing in a plastic jar and glass bottle (In different weights & sizes).

Jars and Pouches

Salt smart packing in a plastic jar & self-standing pouch


Natural Humidifier

We are members of the US Salt Therapy  Association which is one of the pioneers in Salt Therapy and involved in research & benefits of Himalayan Salt Products through Salt caves, Spa, Halotherapy, and Salt Chamber.     

 Our manufacturing team sets innovative trends & goals in the light of US Salt Therapy Association Research with new wellness reports, news, and industry trends.

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    Himalayan Pink Salt Manufacturer & Exporter

    We wash our salt 3 times to remove impurities

    Socially and ethically responsible

    Annual training camps for our workers

    100% food-grade stainless steel machinery

    Strict quality control measures in place

    State of the art production facility

    We Are Certified



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